Although she had returned to her home town of Lynn, MA for a visit, he didn’t hesitate to propose through the mail. She accepted his proposal and he returned to a splendid ceremony beautifully prepared, surrounded by all their loved ones.
Their job was not done as missionaries; they returned to Chile. Dad was highly recognized for his work and Mom his faithful partner. He always remarked about her willingness to help everyone, never even a complaint, no matter how challenging the circumstances were. Her tenderhearted Soul knew no boundaries, everyone deserved love and compassion; there was never any judgment.
The material meant nothing to them, they always had more than they needed, “God will provide” was Dad’s favorite line. They were sustained by all the greater gifts of the immaterial world and lived in endless gratitude for all their blessings. I am honored to be their “love child”, born in the foothills of the Andes mountains, raised in a one-room shack with no running water or plumbing.
Dad had an adventuresome spirit. He lived to be of service, sharing a bit of happiness with everyone he met and often a morsel of higher wisdom as well.
Mom talked to the angels all the time. She called on them for everything and trusted she had their support. She lived amongst them; they were just a part of life.
Mom and I almost died in the delivery room at the clinic. Unable to perform a cesarian, they were not prepared for a breech birth and the cord being wrapped around my neck. But God had big plans for Joan and Tom, this wouldn’t stop them.
After an ectopic pregnancy following my birth, mom was told she could not have any more children. Boy, were those doctors wrong!
They returned to the states when I was two and Mom was pregnant again. They were blessed in the end with seven amazing children. My siblings and I joke that we all lined up in heaven waiting to be born to them, and we fought tooth and nail to get to the front of the line!
The baby of the family is Matt, he swears he is the reincarnated ectopic pregnancy. He just wanted us to work out the kinks for him, so he could experience the wisdom of his siblings and parents who were over the control phase of parenthood, easy breezy.
In every picture of Joan from 1966 to 1982 she was either expecting or carrying a newborn, with other toddlers clinging to her hip. She had a growing clan of little Hollywood’s demanding her attention. She was fierce!
She prepared a home-cooked meal every night, to be more accurate multiple home-cooked meals, because we all had different preferences.
Way ahead of her time, she was “natural” before it became fashionable. You wouldn’t find sugar cereals in our house and the only time we had soda was on a rare pizza night or at a birthday party.
Mom made everything from scratch and she was a great baker! She never bought prepared foods and did the circuit of three supermarkets each week to stretch every dollar and benefit from every sale.
Kids from all over the neighborhood packed into the tiny Hollywood kitchen on Harvard Street for fresh baked treats after school every day. Joan was best known for her chocolate chip cookies! She diligently placed seven chocolate chips in each one individually… to represent her seven children. Love was her secret ingredient!
Mom successfully juggled all that came along with seven children, their friends, volunteering at the church, working as an RN and serving as everyone’s go-to person for every itch and ailment.
She preferred the holistic approach over western medicine but was fluent in both. She had tons of alternative therapies that she embraced and shared with others.
She knew just how to advise everyone as to the best treatment for their affliction. Did you know apple cider vinegar can cure almost anything? Joan did, it was her first question, “did you try the ACV yet?”
The only medicine she kept in the house was St. Joseph’s aspirin. She was a big fan of St Joseph, after all she credited him with helping her find my Dad in Argentina.

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